Charities & Non-Profit
With a significant practice in the charities, philanthropic and not for profit sector, our lawyers are able to provide comprehensive support to advise and assist you in the establishment of your charities, non-profit organisation, social enterprises, charities and institutions of public character ("IPCs").
Now more than ever, charities and non-profit organisations ("NPOs") need to have robust governance standards. Their trustees and directors need to understand their responsibilities and meet regulatory requirements. Our lawyers work with a great number of large and small charities, IPCs, and NPOs in various sectors, and regularly provide advice on initial setups as well as continuing governance, compliance and regulatory issues.
Charity sectors that our lawyers are regularly involved in include:
Animal Welfare
Environmental protection
Social (relief of poverty or those in need by reason of financial hardship, disability or other disadvantages)
Community (promotion of family, care for elderly, disadvantaged children, etc)